Adelaide Loves

Treat Your Skin This Festive Season

With the festive lead up to Christmas and more lunches and dinners than you can poke a mascara stick at, why not treat your face to a laser treatment at Burnside Cosmetic that will see your skin glowing and rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the weeks ahead.
I was thrilled to be invited by Dr Chris Koulos and his wife Claire to their clinic upstairs at Burnside Village’s only cosmetic studio, to experience first hand their Laser Genesis treatment, and had the most wonderfully warm and inviting morning with the two of them. This treatment is designed to improve the tone and texture of your face, helping with fine lines and wrinkles, building collagen and plumping and firming the skin. Oh yes did I mention that you walk out of there with fabulously plump lips!!?? I achieved noticeably plumper lips that lasted for at least a month afterwards! This treatment is also great for skin that is prone to acne, spots, or break outs.
Their state-of-the-art purpose built rooms housed amazing machines and treatment areas, and Dr Chris (yes, he really is a doctor!) and Claire filled me with all the confidence I needed. This was my first experience with lasers on my face, so I admit I was a little nervous. They reassured me about my fears and made me feel very comfortable.

Laser Genesis only takes 20 minutes for the treatment treatment, and with little or no down time, so I was able to quick step it out of there and enjoy the shops below! I was left with only slight redness so there was no issue in continuing on with my day.

This photo was taken 20 minutes after the treatment and with no #filter!

I have to say that I was super impressed with the immediate results and also for the few weeks after the treatment. With the best results being seen with multiple treatments, one month apart, I am booking myself back in to Burnside Cosmetics for round two of the Laser Genesis treatment. AND, the Medicare rebate can also apply for suitable candidates, so be sure to ring for a free facial assessment to see what results you can achieve.

Burnside Cosmetic specialises in facial rejuvenation, laser fat removal and skin cancer checks and surgery.

Suite H, Balcony Level, Burnside Village
447 Portrush Rd, Glenside
(08) 7221 2577

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