OTR continues to grow its community partner involvement across South Australia, by adding an additional 12 groups to the ORTGive App. Every time you shop in-store, order a coffee, wash your car or refuel and have your ORT App barcode scanned, OTR will make a donation on your behalf, to your chosen community partner.
There are now a total of 36 local community partners that you can nominate to receive your donation, including Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, Asthma Foundation, Operation Flinders ,Catherine House, Royal Flying Doctors Service, Salvation Army, Novita, Little Heroes, Skylight, Breast Cancer SA, Basketball SA and Surf Lifesaving SA.

OTR will donate 1c for every $2 spent in store and 1c per 2L of fuel purchased to the community group of the customers’ choosing within OTR App. And if that doesn’t already sound generous enough, OTRGive will celebrate the 25,000th person to link to a community group within the OTR App, a $25,000 donation on their behalf to their chosen community group.
Three years in the making, locally developed the OTRGive platform creates an easy way to make donations to your chosen community group through doing your usual day to day activities. In its first year, OTR expects to donate at least $1 million to South Australian community groups and is pleased to announce this amount is uncapped. The more customers connect with OTRGive, the more OTR will donate.
OTR is proudly South Australian owned and operated, and has over 140 petrol and convenience stores throughout South Australia. To find out more about the program visit the links below.