Adelaide Loves

Yellow & Grey Nursery Design


This beautiful yellow and grey coloured nursery, with cute little cloud touches, is all ready and waiting for its most precious addition- which should hopefully be arriving in the next two weeks!

The super stylish and super organsied Kim is the proud owner of this beautiful baby haven, and she has kindly allowed me to share this magical space she has lovingly created.
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Kim has managed to include many super cool on-trend items in this room, and they work beautifully with the classic larger pieces that will transition with the baby into toddler-hood and beyond. The metal words above the changetable, together with the cloud clock, create some lovely points of focus, while the pompom garland on the other side of the room balances it all out.











I love the bold black house-shaped shelf that has been used to house little trinkets and baby items. The black is a great colour to make the little white and yellow goodies really pop. The blackboard garland above is also a great idea to be able to write different words and sayings on… maybe even the babies name once he/she is home!

The little cloud and elephant touches throughout the room are really lovely too, especially the gorgeous knitted toy that sits on the rocking chair and the cloud cushion in the cot.











Kim is one clever mumma-to-be, designing and printing her own artwork for the trio of white frames. Such a lovely personal touch to the room that will live long beyond the neutral nursery

I will be featuring a “Shop This Look” tomorrow night, with a comprehensive and beautiful list of local items that will help you re-create something as beautiful as Kim has. Be sure to visit again tomorrow, and I will also update you with the final addition for this nursery in the next week or so!

Here is a sneak peak of tomorrow’s post…

Kim Yellow Grey Nursery copy

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