Kids clothes. Do the words excite you or scare you? What about PRE LOVED kids clothes? Well, I am a huge fan, both buying and selling. But I have bene doing too much buying so this weekend, I am taking part the Market To Market Kids Pre-Loved Market. I have promised myself I am only selling, not shopping though. This 2 day market in the city is dedicated to parents selling pre-loved kids clothes, and there will be over 40 stalls selling brand name and bargain still-good-condition clothes, as well as used kids furniture and prams, car seats and other large items.
I have preparing over the weekend sorting, washing, hanging and folding, and have some tips for those taking part in the market, that hopefully will help you sell loads of your kids used gear!
You do not need to go over the top with the presentation of your stall, but a few key items will help you display your pieces, and make the buyers experience a positive one:
- a floor-length tablecloth or sheet (preferably white)- perfect for hiding all of your empty boxes, bags and bits and pieces
- clothes rack- a necessity for displaying your nicer/higher priced items
- boxes to hold your cheaper pieces, even old nappy boxes are perfect
- signs displaying prices- make it easy for your customers to see at a glance how much something is
- signs displaying brands and sizes- have a sign listing the brands, gender and sizes that you have available for sale
- float- including lots of coin and a few notes
- tin or body bag to keep your float in- something with easy access
- pen and paper- always handy for last minute signs and pricing
- sticky dots or labels- for last minute garment pricing
- old but good condition paper (or plastic) bags for your shoppers to take away all of their purchases.
- coffee! and snacks to get you through the day
Start by making sure your pieces are all clean and washed. Including the soles of shoes! Sometimes clothing goes yellow while stored in boxes, so make sure these are kept separate and put in the donation bin pile, rather than trying to sell them. Or, create a FREE box at your stall for those pieces you can not ask money for but still have lots of life left in them. This also goes for pilling pieces, or those with small holes in them, or the pieces that are just too tired looking.
Next, sort into sizes and then pull out all of the brand name pieces, and those that you think you can sell for a higher price. These will be best displayed hanging up on your rack.
With the items that are left, I suggest having a box for each size, and then a $2 box and a $4 box. This is a great way to clear out pieces that are still in great condition, but are more of the lower priced brands like Target, Kmart and BigW. Everyone loves a bargain and you will love clearing out sooo many pieces of clothing.
How much would you pay for it? That is the question you need to ask yourself. And the hard part is, blocking out the emotional attachment you have for your kids clothing. Price with your head not your heart. You need to be realistic, and if some pieces aren’t being bought throughout the day, maybe reduce your prices to try to get that sale. It all depends if you want to take the items back home with you again, or to take a couple of dollars off to sell them that day. Price low and sell lots!
Although it is more work, I would recommend individually pricing your pieces (the ones not in your bargain boxes). You can do this with sticky dots or labels, something that won’t leave a sticky residue when removed. Shoppers will find it easier if they can browse without having to ask how much each item is. You can even bundle up pieces or outfits together, to encourage clearing out more and more pieces with each sale. Or, have signs on certain biles or boxes that say something like “5 items for $10”
With all of this prep work, however, be prepared to bargain and be flexible with prices. But equally, don’t be bullied into prices that you are not comfortable with, stand your ground and be prepared to lose a sale on your terms, not the shoppers.
Try not to spend all of your profit at the same market you are selling at, but do be sure to have a look around if you have someone helping you on your stand. Selling at a pre-loved market is a terrific way to make some money while clearing out old boxes around the house. Have fun, it’s a great atmosphere and you will be sure to catch the market bug in no time!
230 Flinders St, Adelaide
Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 February, 10am-3pm